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Friday, July 27, 2007

Study: Smoking Pot Increases Risk of Mental Illness

From the UK Daily Mail:

There are great risks in smoking cannabis, a new report has revealed
A single joint of cannabis raises the risk of schizophrenia by more than 40 per cent, a disturbing study warns.

The Government-commissioned report has also found that taking the drug regularly more than doubles the risk of serious mental illness.

Overall, cannabis could be to blame for one in seven cases of schizophrenia and other life-shattering mental illness, the Lancet reports.

I've known a number of people over the years who have smoked pot long-term. There are a few exceptions, but the vast majority only have a passing familiarity with solid reality. Most of them left the real world behind a long time ago, and in all seriousness, I have grave doubts that they'll ever make it back.

Approving this stuff for "medical use" not only makes illegal use more difficult to enforce, but also places "medical users" at additional risk. Better to use other pain medications for their ailments.


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