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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Never Good News for Bush

Without a doubt, there area legitimate things that are bringing down President Bush's approval numbers. But without a doubt, his approval would be much higher if he and events of the nation received fair and balanced coverage.

Consider that the Dow is hitting new, historic highs, closing at 14,000...but the "mainstream" media must do everything possible to pooh-pooh that and throw water on any enthusiasm that might come from good news.

From the Media Research Center:

CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric fretted that "even as investors are making money in the market, Anthony Mason reports there are concerns tonight about the rest of the U.S. economy." Mason talked with a celebrating stock trader before turning downbeat: "But Wall Street and Main Street appear to be headed in different directions. While the stock market's been racing ahead, the economy has been slowing down. Housing is mired in a slump."

ABC anchor Charles Gibson teased World News: "Tonight, the Dow moves into uncharted territory, zooming past 13,000 for the first time. But is the economy as hot as the market?"

If Bill Clinton had been president for these record economic numbers and low unemployment, the media would have hailed him "messiah" and declared him King of the Universe (they almost did when he was in office, and every piece of positive news was laid squarely at his majesty's feet).

Nope, there is no Leftist bias in the media. ;-)


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