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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Judiciary Not Independent When Abortion's In Jeopardy

According to The Politico, one of the chief RINOs in the U.S. Senate, Arlen Spectre (RINO-PA) plans to stick his nose into some of the recent decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court. (What happened to those cries about an "independent judiciary" from the Left?)

Why does Spectre want to do this?

to determine if their reversal of several long-standing opinions conflicts with promises they made to senators to win confirmation.

What "promises" are those?
Specter, the ranking Republican on the Judiciary Committee, who served as chairman during the hearings, said he wants to examine whether Roberts and Alito have "lived up" to their assurances that they would respect legal precedents.

Translation: precedents legalizing abortion.

Also according to The Politico, it is liberal judge Stephen Breyer's tattling that prompted Specter's change of heart on an "independent judiciary."
The idea for a review came to Specter when he said he ran into Justice Stephen G. Breyer at the Aspen Ideas Festival in Colorado.

Breyer, an appointee of President Bill Clinton, drew attention last month for suggesting that Roberts and the conservative majority were flouting stare decisis, the legal doctrine that, for the sake of stability, courts should generally leave past decisions undisturbed.

It's funny how liberals are in love with stare decisis once liberal decisions have been carved into stone, but this doctrine is hurled aside with contempt when it stands in the way of liberal priorities such as abortion (Roe v. Wade) and sodomy (Lawrence v. Texas), to name a couple. For that matter, if stare decisis is so holy, perhaps Dred Scott should have remained standing, keeping black people as property.

The simple fact is, some pro-abortion liberals have their underwear all in a bunch at the prospect of seeing the right to life receiving priority over the right to sexual freedom.

If the lives of millions of unborn weren't at stake, it would be nothing short of hilarious to watch these liberals get all in a lather over a return to law.

HT to Pro Life Blogs.


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