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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Beholden to Unions

The National Center for Policy Analysis highlights a Wall Street Journal article "Union Doozy" that points to government inefficiency and undue union influence.

An example cited is that in Indiana, state officials moved to work with IBM to deliver welfare benefits to recipients more efficiently than the government could do it, and at a $500 million savings. Gov't employees were even given the option to move over to jobs at IBM.

Not good enough for union heavyweights and their stooges in the Democrat Party. Now they're trying to undo this contract with IBM, throwing away the $500 million savings, plus incurring an additional $100 million cost in reinstituting the bureaucracy.

This is another reason why I despise unions; our government has given them such power and sway that the smartest option often falls by the wayside in appeasement to the unions. (One of the other reasons I despise unions is that, while workers should be able to organize and bargain collectively with employers, employers should not be forced by the government to deal with them; employers should have the right to reject union bargaining if they choose. Also, workers shouldn't be forced to join a union just to get or keep their job. But I digress.)

This is also the kind of lunacy that should dissuade us from even considering allowing the government to have a greater hand in health care.


Anonymous said...

Awesome article! I agree 100%. Who wrote it?

Bob Ellis said...

I'm afraid I don't know who wrote the "Union Doozy" article at WSJ; I don't have a subscription, so only got what NCPA provided in their analysis.

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