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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Mayor Works to Curtail Public Sex

Fort Lauderdale Mayor Jim Naugle is catching a lot of flack for taking on the problem of public homosexual sex in his city, especially in public restrooms.

From the Sun-Sentinel:

Naugle alerted the media that he was holding a news conference that would include "an apology.''

But it wasn't the apology the media expected. Instead of apologizing to homosexuals for working to stop this public sex, he apologized to the community for not previously recognizing how serious the problem was.

From WorldNetDaily:
Naugle pointed to a website about "cruising for sex'' that recommends two city parks and asked "responsible members of the homosexual community'' to help him remove the facilities from the listing, the paper reported.

He also said Broward County leads the nation in new AIDS cases.

When the mayor opened up the conference for question, the first question came from a homosexual journalist asked the Naugle, "Do you apologize in any way to any members of the gay community or their families for the way in which you have identified them with certain forms of behavior, bearing in mind you're talking about a quarter of a million gay men in parks every day and night?"

After asking the reporter what outlet he represented (Gay National Gay News was the response) Naugle responded: "Very good. I apologize for not bringing this problem forward earlier. Maybe some lives could have been saved."

Another reporter asked, sounding disappointed, why they didn't receive the apology they expected. The mayor said, "I'm the guy who gets the call from the little league dads and the soccer moms that complain about when they go to a public restroom they feel very uncomfortable that they have to go inside [before taking their children in] to make sure this kind of activity isn't taking place."

Naugle said he's received lots of emails from responsible members of the homosexual community who agree with him.

There is a video of Mayor Naugle's press conference at the Sun-Sentinel.

Naugle should be commended for doing the right thing. Public sex, homosexual or heterosexual, is unacceptable.


Carrie K. Hutchens said...

As should be the requirement for public sex education that requires students to take part in the class because...??? Because the liberals feel parents are not "qualified" to provide the information or give "quality" guidance in regard to the responsibility that goes along with same?

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