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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Abortion Clinic is a Pig pen

From the Atlantic City Press:

Blood-stained operating tables and expired drugs were just some of the violations discovered by state officials after an inspection of the Alternatives abortion clinic last month, according to a report released Monday.
The report also cited several sanitary issues, including “what appeared to be dried blood under the leg pads” on the procedure tables. Dust, rust, dirt and debris also were found on some equipment, and floors in the operating room, laboratory and recovery room were “soiled and stained.”

Some of the sterilization problems may have stemmed from the clinic’s lack of hot water. State standards require a licensed clinic to have hot water between 105 and 120 degrees. Based on routine water temperature checks during the past four years, the clinic failed to meet that standard 89 percent of the time, failing every check in 2004, 2005 and 2007.

If abortion were only legal, women wouldn't have to go to places like this to kill their unborn children. Oh, I forgot: abortion is legal. Hmmmm...

HT to Pro Life Blogs.


Christina Dunigan said...

Alan Kline, the owner, used to work at Eastern Women's Center. He must have looked at the filth and chaos and thought, "I can do this!"

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