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Friday, July 27, 2007

Liberals Can't Take Objective Heat


Liberal activists are stepping up their campaign against Fox News Channel by pressuring advertisers not to patronize the network., the Campaign for America's Future and liberal blogs like are asking thousands of supporters to monitor who is advertising on the network. Once a database is gathered, an organized phone-calling campaign will begin, said Jim Gilliam, vice president of media strategy for Brave New Films, a company that has made anti-Fox videos.

The groups have successfully pressured Democratic presidential candidates not to appear at any debate sponsored by Fox, and are also trying to get Home Depot Inc. to stop advertising there.

I guess one objective news network among the liberal propaganda arms of ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, MSNBS and CNN is just intolerable for the Left.

Kinda reminds one of the good ole days back in the Soviet Union where Pravda told the masses all they needed to know.


Anonymous said...

They can thank Bill O'Reilly's hypocrisy for this whole campaign. He started it by cherry picking a few hateful comments from the DailyKos' 10's of thousands and called them a hate site and compared them to the KKK.

He then forced JetBlue to pull their advertising from kos based on these few comments. Now many on the left are just returning the favor by cherry picking comments off O'Reilly's site and using them to pressure Fox's advertisers. It's actually quite childish by both sides even to the point where BillO muted a guest on his show that tried to call him on his hypocrisy

Bob Ellis said...

From what I've seen, I'd agree that O'Reilly made a mountain of a molehill. But I still believe the Left makes an even bigger one, having a cat over one network when they have the rest of them firmly in their corner.

Anonymous said...

This advertiser tactic is something I've seen conservatives pull many times. So maybe this is a case of using their own strategy against them?

Also, I disagree with your opinion that Fox News is the only "objective" news source. To be objective, I think they shouldn't take sides in the stories they cover. Fox News always seems to side with the conservative perspective. There's nothing wrong with doing that, but then they lose the ability to call themselves "objective" of "fair and balanced."

Bob Ellis said...

I think you could make the case that Fox News swings more to the Right than the Left, though I don't think I'd buy it.

I think you could also make the case that perhaps we're so used to seeing only liberal adoration for decades from ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, and CNN that anything that isn't overtly liberal SEEMS conservative.

And if Fox News really does swing Right, and if that means they've lost the ability to call themselves "objective" and "fair and balanced," then the news outlets I mentioned above lost that ability light-years and decades ago.

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