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Saturday, July 28, 2007

Patients Tell of Adult Stem Cell Therapy Successes

From OneNewsNow comes the story of a news conference in Washington D.C. highlighting the successes of adult and umbilical stem cell therapies.

Three weeks after Rice arrived home in Spokane, his injection fraction was at 28 percent. Currently it is at 40 percent and Rice says he is feeling good enough to walk. "I can walk -- trust me, when I'm in DC, I walk a lot," he exclaims.

Here's another success story, this time from umbilical cord blood stem cells:
"Ten years later, here I am standing before you, cured of leukemia," he shared. "For me, it's been quite a trip. It's certainly is a privilege to be one of the very early, early examples of the power of adult stem cells and cord blood," said Sprague.

There is a long list of ALREADY successful adult stem cell treatments, unlike the controversial embryonic stem cell research which has yet to produce a single success. Embryonic stem cell research results in the destruction of a human embryo; human life is more sacred than to be sacrificed on the alter of scientific research.

There is no need to pursue embryonic stem cell research when there is already a line of research which is not only promising, but is already delivering.


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