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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Saturday, July 28, 2007

Finally, Real Info on Hildygate

HT to Bob at South Dakota Moderate for the heads-up on the Rapid City Journal article today about the $100K theft from Hildebrand Tewes:

This is interesting on several levels, first off the RCJ has broken the deafening silence in the South Dakota media on this issue and it also explains why Schuldt hasn’t been charged yet as Hildebrand is saying that they still (after 3 plus weeks) have not decided on whether they will be filing criminal charges.

Given that Hildebrand Tewes consults for a number of public officials and organizations, the decision of whether criminal charges gets filed may be taken out of Chad's employers hands. That remains to be seen.

As Bob said and as I said earlier today, it's "interesting" that while we have a Capitol Hill newspaper 1,000 miles away and a Louisiana newspaper probably about the same distance away, and now the Rapid City Journal 350 miles away...the Argus Leader, which is 6/10 of a mile away from Hildebrand Tewes, is still under radio silence on this story.

To Chad, we've gone at it like cats and dogs on each other's blogs, but despite the crime involved here, my heart goes out to him. Having been a drunk some 15 years ago, I know the power of addictions. Chad has my prayers that he overcomes this gambling one. I believe throwing yourself at the feet of Jesus Christ, with no pride and pretension left, is the best way to get the power to overcome addictions. Over 15 years later, I haven't wanted a drop of alcohol, praise God! I hope Chad has as much success 15 years down the road.


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