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Sunday, September 09, 2007

We Hate the USA

I don't know how long the link will stay active, but if you haven't heard Rush Limbaugh's new parody song, click here to hear "We Hate the USA."

Conservatives and Christians have had their Lee Greenwood song "God Bless the USA" to express their passion concerning America; now liberals one of their own in "We Hate the USA."

Fair is fair.

P.S. While you're on Rush's site, you can hear an ad for Chuch Schumer's book "The Complete Loser's Guide to American History." I believe most liberals have already read it cover to cover many times, but if you don't have your own copy, now's your chance!


Anonymous said...

this song is totally against the United States of America, it should be deleted off of this blog and any other blog out there that has it cause it is not appropriate

Anonymous said...

i love the USA cause i am not a communist.

Bob Ellis said...

Anonymous 6:54, why is it not appropriate? Doesn't it reflect the views of some Americans?

Anonymous said...

This song is tellin it like it is... At least from the perspective of libs/democrats.

Anonymous said...

This song is not only retarded but also anti-American. How hypocritical can some people be, to challenge one's patriotism while at the same time produce a song like this and then attribute it to people who never had anything to do with creating it. Its complete bullsh*t, mere propaganda. I am constantly amazed by how stupid people are who listen and agree with Rush Limbaugh. You people are the reason why America has the problems it does. You people are simple intellectual minions, who when they cannot grasp an issue they simple attack other people and their ideas. You people do no serve the interests of America, instead, you keep America from achieving its full potential...

Anonymous said...

Hi all, just happened upon your blog and was surprised to see your slamming of the parody "We Hate the USA."

It's called a parody, because it's "a literary or musical work in which the style of an author or work is closely imitated for comic effect or in ridicule. [ref]"

This song is ridiculing the democrats point of view on the USA. It is obvious from the use of voice actors posing as such notables as Al Sharpton.

Kudos to the genius that made this one. It's hilarious, yet sadly true!

A Flagwaving American

Anonymous said...

I'm an American and I definately HATE any and all who agree with Rush Limbaugh.

I HATE Red-State America. I'm up for round two of the American civil war.

We kicked Red-America's ass once. We can do it again.

Anonymous said...

anonymous, simply by reading your posts, i can tell that you have a liberal mind. i am a strong conservative, and i do not hate liberals. you don't just go around hating people. you can hate what they believe, you cna disagree, but you don't hate people, especially just for agreeing with a radio show host. rush limbaugh is one of the most patriotic people i know, and this parody song is simply supposed to be mocking the beliefs of past liberal presidents' beliefs. this is america, and we have freedom of speech and freedom to own our own businesses. if you hate rush limbaugh os much, then why waste time complaining about it? just don't listen to his show!

Anonymous said...

I am a Muslim and Arab and I will not go far to say I hate USA.

USA is a great country, but some leaders and their biased foreign policies upset many outside the U.S.A

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