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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Study: Voter ID Laws Don't Diminish Turnout

The National Center for Policy Analysis highlights a report from the Heritage Foundation which shows voter ID laws have insignificant if any negative effect on voter turnout.

Among the findings:

White survey respondents in photo identification states are 0.002 percent less likely to report voting than white respondents from states that only required voters to state their name.

African-American respondents in non-photo identification states are 0.012 percent less likely to report voting than African-American respondents from states that only required voters to state their name.

In general, respondents in photo identification and non-photo identification states are just as likely to report voting compared to respondents from states that only required voters to state their name.

African-American respondents in photo identification states are just as likely to report voting compared to African-American respondents from states that only required voters to state their name.

Hispanic respondents in photo identification states are just as likely to report voting compared to Hispanic respondents from states that only required voters to state their name.

Voter ID laws are frequently criticized by liberals as intimidating minority voters. (If they want to talk about reasons to be intimidated, they should talk to the purple-thumbed Iraqis who had their first free election a couple of years ago, despite the very real threat of violence from terrorists).

In reality, I suspect they protest voter ID laws because liberals have been shown in the past to benefit greatly from the following voting blocks which are aided by inadequate voter identification: illegal aliens, felons, dead people and pets.


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