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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Anti-Americans 'Die In' on Saturday

I see from CNS News that the communist organization ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) (presumably to make the world safe for tyrants?) is planning an anti-American peace protest "unlike any other":

Organizers of an anti-war protest scheduled for Sept. 15 said Wednesday that the demonstration will be "unlike any other" as activists gather to demand an immediate end to the war.

The protest, organized by Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER), begins with a rally near the White House, continues with a march to the U.S. Capitol, and concludes with a "die-in" that organizers estimate will involve approximately 1,000 people lying down near the Capitol in a symbolic effort to represent dead U.S. soldiers and dead Iraqis.

Brian Becker, ANSWER's national coordinator, told reporters at a news conference Wednesday that the demonstration "will be unlike any other anti-war protest in recent years because it will culminate in a massive civil disobedience," referring to the "die-in."

This is really nothing new. Mindless groups like this have been doing these idiotic "die ins" for years.

When I was a young Security Policeman at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha back in the mid-1980s, that stupid "Hands Across America" anti-nuke peace group and some other idiot groups converged on Offutt during the summer of 1986. They did one of these die-ins, and it was one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen grown human beings do.

But back to today. Disagreeing with the reasons for and need for the war in Iraq is one thing (however mistaken and myopic). But why do you think it is that 90% or more of this anti-war sentiment is being fueled by people and groups like this that hate America, American values and the American way of life?

Is that a coincidence?


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