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Thursday, September 13, 2007

GOP Frontrunners Dis Values Voters

From OneNewsNow:

Joseph Farah, publisher and editor of WorldNetDaily, says the September 17 debate in Fort Lauderdale will differ from other events in that it will focus on pro-family issues that values voters care about. Farah states that apparently Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, and John McCain do not really care about value voters because they are declining to participate.

"There seems to be a concerted effort to dodge the agenda of the pro-family movement," he says. "Some of the front-running candidates have less than a stellar record of voting and governing on those issues."

Farah admits he is disappointed that Fred Thompson has also declined to take part in the debate. "That is a real shame," he says, "because I know many people are hoping that he might be that alternative candidate [for] people who are dissatisfied with the choices of Romney and Giuliani and McCain."

By giving traditional Americans nothing to get excited about and little to support, perhaps these "frontrunners" are looking to duplicate Bob Dole's stunning victory over Bill Clinton in the 1996 presidential election.


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