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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

New York Times Subsidizes

The pajama warriors strike another blow for truth and journalistic integrity.

Newsbusters exposes the find by blogger Confederate Yankee that the New York Times gave a $102,000 discount on it's anti-war smear ad against General Petraeus.

Jake Tapper at ABC News reported that paid $65,000 for its full page anti-war advocacy sliming of General David Petraeus. This figure raised the suspicions of attentive blogger Confederate Yankee whose intuition appears to be correct. (h/t Michelle Malkin) While looking up the current New York Times rate book he discovered that received a $102,000 discount on the standard political advocacy rate that is advertised at $167,157.

I wonder if they give discounts like that to Focus on the Family, the Family Research Council, or other conservative groups?

Nope, no media bias here.


Anonymous said...

Amid declining circulation and even lower credibility, the NYT is hell-bent on destruction, but the liberal editors and writers will have the satisfaction of having been faithful to their anti-American, pro-Soviet ideologies. I doubt, though, that that will be of much solace when the Jihadists come to collect their due. Their necks will bleed just as red as a Christian's.

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