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Friday, September 14, 2007

Hardees Tones Down Commercial

From AOL Money:

The fast food chains Carl's Jr. and Hardee's have pushed the bounds of good taste before with TV ads featuring Paris Hilton, Hugh Hefner and a woman riding a mechanical bull while chomping a burger.

But their most recent ads featuring a teacher who dances on her desk and touches her backside while rappers in the classroom talk about her "flat buns" has apparently gone too far.

CKE Restaurants Inc., the chains' parent company, will edit the character from the ad after receiving loud complaints from educators.

The myth is that it will do no good to say something, it'll do no good to complain. This disproves the myth.

It's a pity that decent people don't use their voice more often to condemn societal rot. Perhaps they forget that we got a lot of this societal rot because it's proponents used their voice to complain and advocate the rot. It works both ways, but conservatives and Christians are usually too docile to exercise their options.


Carrie K. Hutchens said...

I saw that commercial one time and that was one time too many! Glad to hear that the company listened.

Dairy Queen also had one that was nothing but vulgar. I haven't seen it recently, but then I don't watch television that much. I hope it has also been pulled.

I would think by now that people would be tired of vulgar and ready for some truly creative commercials that compete with the Cavemen!

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