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Saturday, September 15, 2007

More Episcopalian Rifts

From WorldNetDaily:

The Episcopal Church is on the verge of a mass exodus if it doesn't repent of its approval of homosexual relationships, warn the leaders of three diocese that signaled their intent this week to leave the 2 million-member denomination.

The dioceses of Fort Worth, Pittsburgh and Quincy, Ill., have stated if they don't receive assurances by Sept. 30 that the House of Bishops will not reject the consecration of bishops living in a same-sex relationship and same-sex blessings, they are prepared to cut themselves off from the Episcopal Church in the USA.

The Episcopal Church is a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion, which, led by bishops in Africa and Asia, largely has maintained traditional doctrines.

This speaks very well of the leadership of these three dioceses. Given the apostate behavior of the Episcopal denomination in general, it would be easy to get the impression that the whole denomination had gone down the tubes. But this illustrates that while there may be some in leadership positions of the denomination, far from all Episcopalians no longer care what their Bible says.


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