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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Study: Are Medical Checkups Worthwhile?

Wondering why 1/6 of our economy in the United States goes to health care?

Consider this from Scientific American:

The customary annual physical check-up at the doctor's office may not be worth the time or money, researchers said on Monday.

About 63 million U.S. adults visit a doctor annually for a routine medical or gynecological check-up at a total cost of $7.8 billion, according to a study intended to help answer questions about the value of this trip to the doctor's office.

More than 80 percent of preventive care provided by doctors does not take place during this annual check-up, the study showed. And more than $350 million worth of potentially unnecessary medical tests are performed, the researchers said.

And John Edwards wants to force you to waste your time and money on this.


Anonymous said...

I'd have told you so if you'd only asked.

T.B., MD

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