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Sunday, September 02, 2007

Edwards' Plan Forces You to See Doctor

If you give liberals long enough, they'll slip up and reveal that they want run your life for you.

Democrat presidential candidate John Edwards revealed today that his idea for "health care reform" would force Americans to go to the doctor whether they want to or not.

From Yahoo News:

"It requires that everybody be covered. It requires that everybody get preventive care," he told a crowd sitting in lawn chairs in front of the Cedar County Courthouse. "If you are going to be in the system, you can't choose not to go to the doctor for 20 years. You have to go in and be checked and make sure that you are OK."

If it weren't for a nagging, recurring sinus infection for which I have to go to the doctor two or three times a year to get antibiotics (because apparently I'm too stupid to know for myself what I need), I don't think I would have been to the doctor in 20 years myself.

Beyond the fact that the idea of forcing Americans to go to the doctor whether they want to or not is so patently offensive and un-American that I don't even know where to begin, Edwards has demonstrated that under socialized medicine--where you're told what to do like a little child--the overall cost of health care is going to skyrocket so badly that it'll leave the bonds of earth long behind.

Just the cost of sending everyone to the doctor on an annual basis alone will be staggering. Then consider the cost of tests and referrals that may or may not be necessary. Then consider that you'll be getting people into a mindset of going to the doctor when they feel the slightest bit under the weather or feel like they need some attention...and you'll end up with the kind of broken, unsustainable system they have in Canada and England.

Want to be treated like an idiot or a child? John Edwards is your man. Want to wait a year and a half for a surgery? John Edwards is here to help.

On one hand, it's outrageous to hear an American politician utter something like this. On the other hand, it's refreshing, having the rare opportunity to hear a liberal tell you what they really have in mind for you.

Thanks, Mr. Edwards.


Anonymous said...

You are correct, Mr. Ellis. Edwards' plan is absurd for all the reasons that you mentioned. Besides which, for a doctor to so much as place a stethoscope on your chest against your will is assault. Can you imagine the law suits we'll have if a doctor insists on a colonoscopy when a patient says "Hell, no!?" What if the doctor diagnosis high blood pressure and tells you to lose weight and start exercising? If you fail to follow orders, who's to blame?--the doctor or the patient, or both? How will Edwards enforce his plan?--sue the doctor no doubt!

Bob Ellis said...

Edwards has been known to sue doctors on flimsy evidence before, Mr. Bombastus.

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