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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Kathy Griffin's So-Called Sense of Humor

By Carrie K. Hutchens

Kathy Griffin wants to know if she is the only Catholic left that has a sense of humor?

Sense of humor?

Griffin is reported by to have said, "'I guess hell froze over. A lot of people come up here and thank Jesus for this. He had nothing to do with this. ... Suck it, Jesus! This award is my god now,' she said. " (Full Article)



Anonymous said...

I agree, Carrie. Griffin's entire schtick is about mocking or ridiculing Christians, especially Catholics. Those that enjoy her "humor" are simply bigots. Christians remain the one group not protected by the hypersensitive, politically correct Left. It's open season on the disciples.

But, we shouldn't be surprised. Jesus told us as much when he said "You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved." (Mt 13:13)

Kathy Griffin, and those like her, have little idea that they are fulfilling prophesy. We should pray for all their souls, but, further, we should rejoice and be glad for our salvation.

Anonymous said...

Of course it was funny. We already know how absurd it is to see athletes, entertainers, etc., thanking Jesus for their success... as if Jesus were personally involved in getting someone an Emmy or scoring a touchdown.

It's been a long-standing joke that if a Superbowl winner thanks Jesus, the other team must be muttering about how Jesus "made me fumble." Kathy pointed out the absurdity in another setting where thanking Jesus is gratuitous and meaningless.

Good thing she did it in America, too... where all types of speech are protected and nobody has the right to not be offended.

Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous, too! His or her points about thanking Jesus for success in sports and entertainment are true. If only Griffin had made them instead of mocking...

Anonymous goes on to say "Good thing she did it in America, too... where all types of speech are protected and nobody has the right to not be offended." I might add, except for muslims, but that goes without saying. Offending them could be harmful to your health.

I claim no such right, but I do have a right to respond to those who offend me. It works both ways.

Anonymous said...

If she had made these comments about Muslims or Jews, people would have called for her blood but since she's ridiculing Christians, she's 'safe'.

I'm not a Catholic but I have a pretty good sense of humor and let me tell you folks, she ain't funny.

Carrie K. Hutchens said...

"I might add, except for muslims, but that goes without saying. Offending them could be harmful to your health."

Indeed it might be!

The politically correct crowd is being politically incorrect. Wonder if they can figure out that riddle?

Carrie K. Hutchens said...

I agree, onebadwebmonkey!

Copas said...

Kathy Griffin is one of the most talented and intelligent women on television today! I think she's hysterical, and I think she made her point not only has the christian right lost their funny bone but they've lost their minds as well. The christian right played right into her hand, had she won the emmy and stood up there and just said "thank you" we wouldn't be talking about this today.

Carrie K. Hutchens said...

Well, I know you aren't talking to me, Craig. My mind enjoys my company and takes me along wherever it goes.

Brad T Casali said...

I think everyone is forgetting that she is a comedian. She won an Emmy because she deserved it; most do not realize that she does the crappiest beats and gigs just to get off the D-list. Let her say whatever she wants; she obviously will, and she has, and she will continue to do so.

Miss Griffin has exercised what is called "Freedom of Speech." I hate to educate, but it seems it is only for those who fail to see that the Constitution frees the Government from Religion, and it enables us to practice a religion, but it doesn't protect religion. Miss Griffin can say anything she wants about whatever religion she wants, and, even though I am a baptized Catholic, but no longer practicing, I'd have to say I agree with her rhetoric: She was parodying how many thank God for the stupidest things, as if God has nothing better to do than to show favoritism. As if that wasn't just one misrepresentation of what a God is/might/could be, the very practice of ANY organized religion undermines the concept of spiritual enlightenment by reducing laws of God to mere rules and condemnations.

I don't want to hear any Gospel verse or any of the multitudes of quips reserved for 'saving my soul' when the rapture comes. The very idea of religion is flawed based on the outline presented above (there are other ontological arguments for the problems with the existence of God, but I won't get in to them, because this site seems like it wouldn't be the best site the entertain anything but it's own agenda), but I believe that the Catholic Church should have bigger things to worry about than what one crazy woman said...I don't think I need to even intimate at what those bigger things are..

I am open to a more rigorous debate of the idea of God with any who are willing, but I only entertain philosophical notions and logic; thus, I will not dignify Bible versus or idealized inklings.

Bob Ellis said...

Yes, Brad, Griffith exercised her First Amendment right to make an offensive comment about Jesus Christ.

But First Amendment rights don't involve a free pass from criticism. People who take their faith seriously and love Jesus Christ are also exercising their First Amendment rights to condemn her free speech for it's offensive and despicable content.

Anonymous said...

pay attention to pop culture....and develop a real sense of humour (i.e. laugh at something more blasphemous than Madonna's stage name.... and you will be ok.

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