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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Blessings of Indifference

I just got around to watching the 1/2 Hour News Hour from last week.

They had a great segment on Kansas Secular University and the welcoming ceremonies for the new year. This would be a great place for you secularists who loathe any sort of expression of faith in public.

The segment featured Joseph Liverton, the university chaplain, offering an invocation:

Oh, nonexistent spirit, we ask that you convey your indifference on all of us who gather here today. We raise our voices as one, to express our lack of gratitude for the totally random series of events that has accidentally resulted in our existence. We recognize that you've had no role in our lives and ask that you continue in that absence. Do not help guide us, and let us serve no purpose in everything we do. Because we know that life has no significance, and that the journey ends in utter meaninglessness when we die. This we ask in no one in particular's name, boo-yah!

How inspiring. This is so much better than letting people pray to God for inspiration, protection and guidance.


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