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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Britain Says Parents Butt out of Daughter's Pregnancy


A British medical panel has devised new guidelines regarding the doctor-patient relationship when it comes to children. The General Medical Council says doctors should treat children confidentially, without a parent's involvement, and that the treatment includes counseling regarding abortion.

The GMC has ordered doctors in Britain to respect the privacy rights of minor children and inform them of their ability to be treated without the involvement of Mom or Dad.

Wow! This is definitely a bold new step in state control in Britain. This essentially emancipates children when it comes to medical matters (especially abortion).

This means if the mechanic down the street impregnates your daughter, you have no right to know about it, or the termination of your grandchild.

This means if your daughter's math teacher gets her pregnant and takes her down to the local abortuary to kill your grandchild (and eliminate the proof of his molestation), you have no right to know about it.

This means if your family doctor strikes up a secret relationship with your daughter, gets her pregnant and takes her to an abortuary, you have no right to know about it.

Why? Informing the parents in these situations would violate the privacy of the girl.

Apparently the function of a parent is to provide food, clothing and shelter for the children of the state, nothing more.

And socialists in this country say we need to be like Europe...


Carrie K. Hutchens said...

Sure sounds like "State Owned Kids" all right! Does the state also get a percentage off the child porno being made and sold?

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