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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Dems Tack Homosexual Rights Bill to Military Funding

From KOTA, here's how liberals try to push through societal change and special rights for protected groups: just tack it onto something legitimate.

The Senate has attached hate crime legislation to a Pentagon spending bill in an effort to get it passed.

But opponents predict it will fail, either in negotiations with the House or by presidential veto.

South Carolina Republican Lindsey Graham says the president won't go along with social legislation on the defense authorization bill.

Texas Republican John Cornyn (KOHR'-nihn) says tacking on the hate-crime measure "hijacks" a bill that includes a pay increase for troops in wartime.

Of course, liberals in their twisted "logic" think they have it covered:
Democrats argue that it's an appropriate add-on to legislation funding the war, because both initiatives are aimed at combating terrorist acts. Massachusetts Democrat Ted Kennedy says "we want to fight terrorism here at home with all of our weapons."

This is an offense to our military folks, and an offense to everyone who's lost a loved one to real terrorism.

Sorry, Mr. Kennedy: blowing up a bus or flying a civilian airliner into a skyscraper is a little different than not wanting to hire a man in drag to work in your bookstore.

These people would rather play games with national defense than be up front about their agenda for societal change...or rather, societal rot.


cp said...

hire a man in drag to work in your bookstore.

What does THAT have to do with hate crimes legislation OR national defense?

Bob Ellis said...

I wholeheartedly concur that it has nothing to do with national defense. But hate crime laws are being twisted so that if you even say anything negative about a homosexual, or deny the aforementioned drag queen a job in your business, you have committed a "hate crime" against them.

So why did Democrats attach this hate crime amendment to a legitimate bill (defense spending)? So something unnecessary and illegitimate could ride the coat tails of something legitimate and get passage.

Bob Ellis said...

Here's a video that shows what can be defined as a "hate crime" by those who simply don't want to be told that homosexuality is wrong:


We don't need that kind of thing here. Americans of European descent left Europe for a reason: oppression and interference like this was one of them.

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