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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Major Dems Approve Teaching Homosexual 'Marriage' to 2nd Graders

The Institute for Marriage and Public Policy features part of a transcript from the New York Times of last night's Democrat debate at Dartmouth College.

In it, two of the three major Democrats (Obama and Edwards) said yes, they would be comfortable having a story about homosexual "marriage" being read to their second grade children in school. Hillary gave implied approval to the idea, though she dodged the question without giving a clear answer, and of course the moderator gave her a pass.

MR. EDWARDS: Yes, absolutely.

SENATOR OBAMA: You know, I feel very similar to John: that -- you know, the fact is, my 9-year-old and my 6-year-old's -- I think, are already aware that there are same-sex couples. And my wife and I have talked about it.

As you consider who to vote for next year and who most closely reflects your values, go read IMAPP's partial transcript or the whole thing at the NY Times.


Carrie K. Hutchens said...

Second graders were once considered a bit too young to be told about the birds and bees, because they are too young! Guess that little consideration gets pushed to the side when there is a liberal agenda in motion!

Anonymous said...

Some of us talk about relationships and sex (in an age-appropriate way) with our children from as soon as they are old enough to ask questions about it.

You got a problem with that?

Bob Ellis said...

I don't have a problem with "age appropriate" discussion between parents and curious children.

I do have a problem with social engineers in public schools who want to portray an unhealthy and immoral sexual practice as "normal, natural and healthy" to children.

Carrie K. Hutchens said...

Robbinsdale radical, there's a very big difference between parents having an age-appropriate discussion with their children and someone else having a discussion with them.

I have a real BIG PROBLEM with people (government, schools, doctors, planned parenthood et al) deciding what is "age-appropriate", "information-appropriate" and "proper timing" for "OTHER PEOPLE'S" children. That should be up to the parent to decide -- NOT someone else!!!

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