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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Episcopal Apostates Give a Little


In a move aimed at preventing a split in the global Anglican Communion, the US Episcopal Church on Tuesday agreed to halt the ordination of gay bishops and the blessing of same-sex unions.

Church leaders, however, vowed to continue to fight for the recognition of the civil rights of homosexuals.

It's unclear whether this concession of the most egregious violation of the Bible by the US Episcopal Church will be enough to satisfy the worldwide body of Anglicans who had imposed a deadline for the US branch to get back to the Bible they claim to believe in.
The church leaders also pledged "not to authorize or use in our dioceses any public rites of blessing of same-sex unions until a broader consensus emerges in the Communion or until (the) General Convention takes further action."

But it was not clear whether clergy would be allowed to carry out unauthorized blessings of same-sex unions.

My hope is that the Anglican leadership worldwide will hold fast and not compromise Biblical truth, even for the worthy goal of maintaining the relationship with the reprobate American branch. As the Bible tells us, sometimes it's necessary to disassociate with a person or group who is unwilling to follow Scripture, in order to preserve the integrity of the larger group, and in the hopes that the person or group in question will eventually find their way back.

Meanwhile, from the UK Times Online, a high-ranking diocese bishop in the Episcopal church has left the denomination, choosing obedience to God and His Bible over denominational loyalty:
The Bishop of Rio Grande, Jeffrey Steenson, who was educated at Oxford and is in the Anglican Catholic tradition of the Church, said that to remain in his post in the Episcopal Church may lead him "to a place apart from Scripture and tradition”.

In a statement to American bishops meeting in New Orleans in an attempt to avert schism, in which he requested permission to resign both from his post and his orders, the Bishop Steenson said: “I am concerned that if I do not listen to and act in accordance with conscience now, it will become harder and harder to hear God’s voice.”

Perhaps that is why many of the leaders in the Episcopal Church are able to sanction practicing homosexuals for their leaders, and the concept of homosexual "marriage"--they have so long ago abandoned a commitment to following Christ that they can no longer even hear his voice.

However, not all Episcopalians have abandoned obedience to God, as the efforts of the worldwide Anglican leadership and other reports shows.


Anonymous said...

The Episcopal Church, once a bulwark of American culture, tradition and spiritualism, has chosen a path of defiance of Scripture. They are not the first or the last of man-made institutions to go astray.

My hope and belief is that Christians will recognize this apostasy for what it is and will abandon these institutions to their inevitable fate.

A Roman Catholic for 40 years, I eventually came to the realization that I was not being nourished with the Word as I desired and needed. I found a bible-based church to attend and am growing in my reationship with the Lord. Christians of all denominations will do the same, but will need the support and encouragement of their brothers and sisters as the break from long traditions often isn't easy.

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