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Monday, June 18, 2007

Poll: Less than One Percent of Christians Believe Evolution-Only Should be Taught

40% believe children should learn both creation and evolution

HOUSTON, Texas, June 18, /Christian Newswire/ --, the world's largest Christian portal with twelve million monthly pages loads recently conducted a poll asking participants to decide whether Creationism or Evolution should be taught to children in the classroom. Participants could also cast a vote in favor of both being taught or for neither choice. Voters were given the opportunity to comment about their selection. Because ChristiaNet's Internet community consists largely of people who claim to follow the Christian faith, the results of the poll were surprising. (Full Story)


Anonymous said...

Contrary to what the author may have heard, the Theory of Evolution actually doesn't teach that life came from the Big Bang. Evolution deals solely with the... well, evolving... of life from one form to another, not with the origins of life. There are scientific hypotheses that do suggest possibilities about the origins of life, but they are not part of the Theory of Evolution.

Bob Ellis said...

I think what the author meant was that the two usually go hand in hand. Except for some theistic evolution theories, people who believe in evolution usually believe in the Big Bang, both of them being materialistic/naturalistic theories (i.e. a way to explain the universe without supernatural causation).

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