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Monday, June 18, 2007

Leading Australian Scientist: Global Warming Just Politics

Ooops, yet another scientist who isn't with the herd on global warming. This time, a top Australian scientist who says it's just a bunch of political hot air.
From MineWeb:

"Global warming is not a word of science, it's a word of politics," he said.

How can he say this? I thought the science was settled? I thought there was inconclusive proof that this global warming was unprecedented and undeniably caused by man's SUVs, power plants, etc.
There is no scientific evidence that carbon dioxide causes global warming.

Over time the planet will "wobble" on its axis, and over time the sun will generate sun spots, so there have been times where the earth has been far warmer than it is today - an example of this was an abundance of fruit trees near Hadrian's Wall built in AD 122-30 on the border of England and Scotland.

Prof Plimer, who is Professor of Mine Geology at Adelaide University, said what is clearly misunderstood is that 96% of greenhouse gases are created by water vapour, almost entirely through mother nature, with the "man made" component being 0.001%. He asked: Who would want to eradicate water vapour?

Temperature variances taken since the late 1880s to 2000 in the United States showed that temperatures had increased marginally in cities and urban areas but declined in rural areas and a factor behind the heavily populated areas was the impact of concrete, roads and reflection.

I believe this last paragraph is one of the factors discussed in Michael Crichton's "State of Fear," which was a novel but was factually well-researched.

We all know it's usually hotter in cities because of all the concrete and steel that bounces back the warmth of the sun, rather than gently absorbing it as dirt and vegetation does. As civilization grows, more of our climate monitoring equipment is located in urban areas which can result in higher average temps. Meanwhile, as the article points out, many rural areas have actually seen declines in temperature. CO2 Science publishes historic temperature readings each week from around the globe which show temperature drops in the past 50-100 years. If the global climate were truly affected by man's activity, these temperature drops would be impossible.

Don't believe everything you're told, just because the messenger is someone in a white coat with letters after their name. Scientists are subject to the same temptations, fears and biases as the rest of us.


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