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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Thursday, June 21, 2007

California Woman Dead After Abortion Attempt - Mother Sues

By Hilary White

RIVERSIDE, California, June 21, 2007 ( - Erica Goode died of toxic shock syndrome at the age of 21 after an abortion at the Planned Parenthood clinic in Riverside, California. Her mother, Aletheia Meloncon, has filed a wrongful death and medical malpractice suit against the abortionist group.

"I'm hoping to shed light and expose the negligent and improper care my daughter received," Meloncon said Wednesday at Schuler's Riverside office. "I hope this sends a message to Planned Parenthood."

Goode had gone for an abortion on January 31, 2007 but was taken to hospital after developing a fever. A laminaria and gauze had been inserted and Goode was expected back at Planned Parenthood the next day. But because Meloncon was not informed of her daughter's intention to have an abortion, she was not able to inform hospital staff, so treatment was delayed.

The suit names the laminaria, a medical product meant to stretch the cervix preliminary to some types of abortion, as the conduit for the infection that killed Goode. She was taken to Riverside County Regional Medical Center in Moreno Valley on Feb. 4 and found to be 14 weeks pregnant. Goode miscarried her unborn child on February 13 and died the next day.

Attorney Jack M. Schuler stated, "If it wasn't for the negligent medical care that Erica Goode received, she would be alive today."

(Full Story)
June 21, 2007

How many teenagers has this happened to and no one knew?


Anonymous said...

Hmmm... funny how your little take on the story leaves out a few details:

-The infection developed because Erika did not return to Planned Parenthood for her abortion the day after she had cervical dialtors placed, and they remained inside her, therefore causing an infection. This is not Planned Parenthood's fault.

-She did not consent to a pelvic exam at the hospital (NOT a Planned Parenthood medical center), which would have led to the discovery and subsequent removal of the dialtors, probably saving her life. She did not consent because she had, according to her mother, gone crazy, but there are ways to circumvent patient consent if they are not in sound mind. This is not Planned Parenthood's fault.

- Erika didn't tell her mother (or anybody) about the abortion, presumably because she was ashamed and terrified of her mother's reaction and the judgment she felt she would undoubtedly receive. This is not Planned Parenthood's fault.

-Having an abortion is still safer than carrying a child to term (10 times safer, in fact). Nice use of scare tactics, though.

And I thought you guys were the "personal responsibility" people.

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