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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


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Saturday, June 23, 2007

Other pregnant women also have disappeared

Other pregnant women also have disappeared
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
BY Tim Botos

You know the Laci Peterson story, but how about Amanda Jones?

She's the less-famous pregnant woman who vanished two years ago near her home in Hillsboro, Mo. And it's Jones' story that more resembles the disappearance of Lake Township's mother-to-be, Jessie M. Davis.

Both women were 26 years old.

Both were nine months pregnant.

Both already had a small child.

(Complete article from The Repository)


Christina Dunigan said...

Men are opting for the "total abortion" when they don't want to be saddled with a child.

The thought process the man goes through to murder the woman and her fetus doesn't differ in the least from the thought process a woman goes through in deciding to kill just the fetus. It's a decision that a sacrifice must be made (by somebody else) for the betterment of one's own life.

If abortion is okay, so is what these men do. They have just as much a right to control their destiny as women do, don't they?

Bob Ellis said...

That "in-the-womb/out-of-the-womb" does seem to make all the difference, GrannyGrump. Maybe it has something to do with having to face the one you want to make the sacrifice? Men, having traditionally been the warriors of any culture, have been killing face to face for millenia but women on a large scale are relatively new to it.

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