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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Congressional Approval Lowest EVER

Dems certainly don't have anything to crow about now with Bush's poll numbers. According to USA Today, a new Gallup poll has Congress now pulling the lowest approval ratings EVER:

Just 14% of Americans have a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in Congress.

This 14% Congressional confidence rating is the all-time low for this measure, which Gallup initiated in 1973. The previous low point for Congress was 18% at several points in the period of time 1991 to 1994.

Remember the House banking scandal and the health care debacle in 1994 that got the Dems thrown out of congressional control for the first time in 50 years? Harry Reid's probably wishing he had those numbers right now.


Haggs said...

Yeah, if you look at the approval ratings for all branches of the government right now, it seems people are generally unhappy with the job our government is doing.

I'm fairly miffed that the Democrats haven't been able to use their majority to counter all the horribly immoral things President Bush does.

Maybe my dreams will come true and we'll see more independants elected. Then we might finally have some politicians who will put the concerns of the American people over the concerns of their political party.

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