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Sunday, June 17, 2007

Mike Nifong Disbarred: Is it over???

Disbarred Duke prosecutor's future dim

By AARON BEARD, Associated Press Writer Sun Jun 17, 7:32 PM ET

RALEIGH, N.C. - His law license lost and reputation in tatters, Mike Nifong seemingly can fall no further. But the disgraced prosecutor who committed "intentional prosecutorial misconduct" in his pursuit of the Duke lacrosse rape case faces an uncertain — and likely troubled — future.

The falsely accused players and their families, having racked up millions of dollars in legal bills, appear likely to file civil lawsuits against the disbarred prosecutor. Their attorneys want a judge to consider holding Nifong in criminal contempt for lying to the court.

"Some people will take that as being mean-spirited and kicking somebody when they're down," defense attorney Joseph Cheshire said Sunday. "But we believe that this issue is enormously important and it carries significant precedent and (the judge) ought to be the one to make that decision because it happened in his court."

(full story)


Anonymous said...

Two words here:

Rodney King.

What does he have to do with Nifong?

Well, after the cops were cleared of any charges by a local jury, Daddy Bush tried and convicted them in Federal Court for violating Rodney King's civil rights.

I don't like it but the situation as it currently stands is that for every local/state law, there is some national equivalent. I don't like it. It is defacto double-jeopardy and an intrusion into what should be the role of the states, but that is how it stands. So might as well make use of it in this case.

The Bush administration can and should arrest Mike Nifong for violating the Civil Rights of the Duke players. The fact that Bush hasn't done so when he so eagerly arrested the boarder guards (and convicted them) is a disgrace and an insult to all who voted for him. The public, ESPECIALLY REPUBLICANS should now demand that he steps in on this case and throw Nifong into a Federal Prison to await trial.

Bush has to be the worst President in American history. And the way that he is has personally betrayed his base is extremely offensive. Surely he could throw us a bone on this one couldn't he? We should demand that he does.

Bob Ellis said...

I think anyone objective who knew the circumstances surrounding the Rodney King arrest (not the slanted coverage pushed by CNN, but the whole story) realizes the cops in the Rodney King incident got railroaded by political correctness.

But two wrongs don't make a right. Nifong probably deserves everything he gets from his state, and probably deserves to be taken for a ride in civil court for the damage he's done to those boys (they shouldn't have been partying like that and hiring strippers, but again, two wrongs don't make a right). But getting the feds involved with Nifong is uncalled for, too.

The only time the feds need to get involved is when the offense is interstate, or when justice is clearly being thwarted at the local level. Neither of those is the case here. It's sufficient to let the state and civil courts handle him.

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