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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Alliance Defense Fund: Fighting for Jesse Ramirez

June 2007 Online Issue

The Alliance Defense Fund: Fighting for Jesse Ramirez

by Jason T. Christy

Jesse Ramirez, the Gulf War Veteran who remains hospitalized as a result of his injuries from a car accident on May 30, has a powerful ally on his side – the Alliance Defense Fund. Only 240 hours after a severe car accident, and then after being removed from his feeding and hydration sources, the Alliance Defense Fund stepped in to file an emergency order with the court to prevent the starvation and dehydration death of the father of three. It was after being moved from the hospital to a hospice, that the ADF received notice of Jesse’s life-threatening predicament from their intake center, a group of tireless workers who “sort through hundreds of calls for help every day,” according to Senior Counsel, Gary McCaleb.

(Full Story)


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