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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Nearly Half in SD Women's Prison Used Meth

From KELO, a staggaring statistic:

A state prison system official says 42 percent of the women who are locked up in South Dakota are hooked on methamphetamine or have used the drug.

When I interviewed state Senator Bill Napoli a couple of months ago for a column on the new drug court pilot program in Meade County, he told me the state women's prison was overflowing, due largely in part to drug addiction.

Drug court seeks to redirect the nonviolent drug user (not dealers) into a comprehensive rehab program to break the addiction. Drug court in other states (South Dakota is the last state not to have a drug court) have produced better results with less cost than traditional drug rehab programs.

The legislature approved funds for the Meade County program during the last session, and the program is set to go online in July.

Looks like they'll have plenty of business.


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