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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Why I'm Voting Democrat

Ben Shapiro has a good column at today in response to a YouTube video called "I'm Voting Republican" which is making the internet rounds.

The video has a bunch of idiotic, stereotypical statements made by mock Republicans such as

A black couple says they're voting Republican because they "like a conservative majority on the Supreme Court," with the wife noting, "we really like knowing that even if we're separate, we'll still be called equal."

Shapiro responds with his own list of "Why I'm voting Democrat" including humorous but grounded in truth reasons.

The entire list is good, but the last one kinda sums up the whole liberal enchalada:
Most of all, I'm voting Democrat because I like the ideas they have over in France, but I don't feel like moving there. I'll threaten to move, but I really won't. After all, I have a good job, healthcare, lower taxes, free speech and a social framework that promotes family structure. And all of it is defended by the most effective fighting force on the planet.

That's liberalism: demanding the easy life without having to sacrifice anything or work for it.


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