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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Thursday, June 19, 2008

Obama on Your Shoulder

I was alerted to this video by columnist Marie Jon'.

It's a fun look at how Barack Obama knows what's best for us of the unwashed masses, all from his very own personal moral center--himself.

Thanks, Marie!

Mary Katharine Ham, with the help of her favorite songwriter, explores life under the new rules and politics of an Obama administration that's in all your business.


Anonymous said...

All that and a Porsche, too! If I were a younger (and single) man, etc., etc.

Oh yes, and the video is spot on about BO and all his kind.

Quill said...

"...all in your business."

That's how many describe the "Pill Kills" and anti-abortion movement.

Bob Ellis said...

Abortion interferes with the life of the unborn child. The state has a responsibility to protect the innocent from harm.

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