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Friday, June 20, 2008

Marxists, Socialists and Communists For Obama

It's rare that you see a blast of naked honesty in any political contest, but especially from the Left.

This one isn't totally honest, but it's as close as you're ever likely to get in the world of politics: it's a subweb right off the official Obama '08 campaign website called "Marxists/Socialists/Communists for Obama."

I took a couple of screen prints, because surely somebody in the Obama camp is going to have the good sense to bury this page at the bottom of the ocean when they realize the public knows about it:

Here's a closer look at the introduction to this subweb:

This group is for self-proclaimed Marxists/Communists/Socialists for the election of Barack Obama to the Presidency. By no means is he a true Marxist, but under Karl Marx's writings we are to support the party with the best interests of the mobilization of the proletariat. Though the Democratic Socialists of America or the Communist Patty of America may have more Socialististic values, it is pointless to vote for these candidates due to the fact that there is virutally no chance they will be elected on a National level. The members of this group are not Leninists, Stalinists, etc. and do not support or condone the actions of North Korea, China, Cuba or any other self-procalimed "Marxist States." They do not in anyway represent the Marxist philosophy nor do they represent Socialism/ Communsim. We support Barack Obama because he knows what is best for the people!

Here's a screen print of the text from the website:

The primary dishonesty in this otherwise refreshingly transparent site is that, while they call themselves "Marxists/Socialists/Communists for Obama," oddly they profess that they "do not in anyway represent the Marxist philosophy nor do they represent Socialism/ Communsim" (and apparently don't own a spell-check). That's like starting a group called "Boy Scouts for Obama" while saying that this group "does not in any way represent Boy Scout philosophy nor does it represent Boy Scouts." Huh?

Some of the posts reflect what you'd expect from a site named after a philosophy which is the antithesis of American ideals and values.

One post acknowledges the great opportunity to be found in America, "but on the other hand" says the system which fuels this opportunity is a "perverse economic system." The word "ingrate" comes to mind...

Also criticised is "a system that attacks the family, moral values." Funny, conservatives usually support capitalism, and conservatives usually support the family and moral values. Ironically, it's usually the same people who worship Marxism who worship licentiousness and attack family and moral values. The term "calling the kettle" comes to mind...

In another post on "The Role of Government," the author calls for unconstitutional social programs and says those who oppose such programs are "monsters, desensitized to any suffering." I wonder if the author realizes that the founders who created this country, the ones who risked their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor and suffered the privations of the Revolutionary War, would fit this description of "monsters, desensitized to any suffering" since they clearly did not believe the government had a role or responsibility in dispensing charity.

It's rare that you get a glimpse of what you'll really be getting in a liberal candidate before it's too late. Go check out this site before they wise up and hide it.

HT to Free Republic.


Anonymous said...

I think it's fairly obvious that "They do not in anyway represent the Marxist philosophy nor do they represent Socialism/ Communsim" refers to the antecedent phrase "North Korea, China, Cuba, or any other self-procalimed 'Marxist States.'" That would indicate that the group makes the (totally correct) statement that they, as Communists, do not support North Korea, etc., which are not Communist states.

Additionally, if you honestly think that Communists are representative of Barack Obama (look! His name sounds like he's a Russkie! It's foreign!)

Bob Ellis said...

To put it mildly, I think you're making a stretch there. The statement about North Korea, et al, was a separate statement, and if anything can be extrapolated from it, it's that they wanted to distance themselves from clear examples of why Marxist philosophy leads to deadly results.

Notice the term "Marxist philosophy." It didn't say "Marxist countries" or "Marxist governments;" it said Marxist PHILOSOPHY.

I also think most people are smart enough to realize Obama's name isn't Russian.

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