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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Stan Adelstein: Candidates in Low Places

Pat Powers at the South Dakota War College tells of a disturbing story that happened recently when West River Republicans opened their campaign office.

Despite the fact that Elli Schwiesow is running (against "Republican" Stan Adelstein and Democrat Tom Katus) for Dist. 32 Senate as an Independent, she is a life-long Republican who has served as a party officer in various state and local Republican positions. She also has not abandoned a single Republican principle in running on the Independent ticket.

So when the office was opened and many people came to celebrate, Elli (in her usual nice and sweet way) came to celebrate with her Republican friends by bringing some cookies. Despite her nice gesture, things didn't stay nice for long.

From the War College:

Despite showing up in congratulations and fellowship for the occasion, I’m told that in front of God and everyone, she was rudely escorted from the premesis by none other than the office’s landlord himself, Stan Adelstein.

I understand that some hard-core Republican Party members who are dedicated to the party apparatus might be a little uncomfortable around Elli, since she's not running for office with an "R" after her name. But she still represents the same values, ideals and goals that are in the South Dakota Republican Party platform.

Even Republicans totally dedicated to their party machine should have at least been able to be cordial with this person who has worked so hard within their party for so many years, and still stands with them on core values.

Apparently that was too much to ask of Stan Adelstein.

As it was to back his party's support of Referred Law 6 in his party's Resolution 14 when he gave $15,000 to defeat the measure.

As was supporting his party's nominee in 2006 when he instead supported his party's opposition (Tom Katus) by campaigning with Katus and lending financial support.

As was supporting his party's candidates in general when he gave $65,000 to support 2006 Democrat candidates in opposition to his own party.

Given Adelstein's history, who is the better friend of Republicans and Republican values: Adelstein or Schwiesow?


Anonymous said...

With Republicans like Stanley, who needs Democrats.

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