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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Liberal Magazine Mocks McCain's POW Service

Anyone who's read this blog for any amount of time knows I'm not a fan of John McCain, as a senator or as a presidential candidate.

But I have the utmost respect and admiration for his military service and for what he endured for five years as a POW in Vietnam.

It's also nothing new that the Left has since the Vietnam War harbored too many people who are full of contempt and disrespect for the United States military and the brave men and women who serve there.

The latest despicable example comes from Rolling Stone magazine, as highlighted by WorldNetDaily.

The Rolling Stoned piece mocks McCain's time in the horrors of a North Vietnamese prison camp (with real torture, not barking dogs and bras on the head) using garish cartoons and statements like this:

He seems re-energized by the fact that we are all back in that same hell, back to living the PTSD-inducing nightmare that McCain himself never got to leave

Go to either the WND or the Rolling Stoned piece to see the tasteless, mocking cartoon.

People are certainly free to disagree with John McCain's policy positions (I do, and often), but such disrespect for someone who endured so much for freedom's sake and for our country is childish and cowardly.

One more proof that liberals haven't done any growing up, even since the 1960s.


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