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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Iraq in the Election: More Emotionalism From the Left

The America-haters at are at it again. This time they're coming out with an anti-McCain video that exploits raw, naive emotion against the Iraq War and the war on terrorism.

CNS News has this excerpt from the video:

"John McCain, when you say you would stay in Iraq for a hundred years, were you counting on Alex? Because if you were, you can't have him," the mother (actress) says with a quaver in her voice.

Since we have a volunteer military, it might be Alex's choice to join the military when he grows up. The odds are he'll grow up like his cowardly, naive parents, but some kids manage to find a patriot's heart from somewhere unexpected.

We most likely would have been done in Iraq a long time ago if our "allies" around the world--and the American Left--had stood firmly with us against Saddam Hussein and against the terrorism that arose in Iraq after the war. But many of our allies chose financial interest over what was right, and many in the American Left chose political points over a decisive victory for their country and safety for the Iraqi people.

The enemy has seen a deeply divided free world, and a deeply divided American political scene, and they have taken heart. Like any enemy would, they have seen our lack of resolve and it has bolstered theirs: hang on, and the weak-willed Americans will leave sooner or later, and Iraq will be ours.

If we don't decisively complete the mission in Iraq, and if we don't decisively crush terrorism, we will indeed be fighting a 100-year war (if we survive that long, with weak leadership); we will definitely be fighting until Alex is old enough. The bloodthirsty around the world will see a weak America, and they will press home the attack as they did during the do-nothing Clinton years. They will smell blood in the air, and they won't quit until they're satisfied with a carcass.

Ultimately, though, we're never going to be done with wars until God creates the new heaven and new earth. Human beings are fallen creatures with a sin nature that is going to make wars a reality until that time.

What's more, evil men cannot be reasoned with or negotiated with or made peace with; they're just not interested in any of the above. We maintain peace through strength, strength which deters the designs of evil people.

People who value safety and security would do well to acknowledge this reality, and prepare for it. And in being prepared to defeat those who would do us harm, a lot of that war might just be avoided.

This is what the Left never seems to understand. This is why, despite John McCain's failings, Barack Obama must not be elected in November.


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