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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Canadian Court Overrules Father's Grounding of Daughter

Canada's National Post and other media sources are reporting on the outrageous court decision in Canada that overrode a father's grounding of his daughter to punish her for bad behavior and disobedience.

According to the Globe and Mail, the girl was grounded because she posted photos of herself on a dating site against her father's wishes, and had an argument with her stepmother.

The court got involved because the little darling wanted to go on a school field trip and the father grounded her. Miss Precious then got herself a lawyer who argued she was being "denied a significant rite of passage," and Suzanne Tessier of the Quebec Superior Court agreed.

Digital Journal has a quote from an AFP article:

"I started an appeal of the decision today to reestablish parental authority, and to ensure that this case doesn't set a precedent," she said. Otherwise, said Beaudoin, "parents are going to be walking on egg shells from now on."

No kidding. Parent's won't be able to even put the kid in "time-out" without worrying that the court may overrule them.

With all the contrary messages from pop culture, parents have a tough enough time trying to raise kids to be decent people these days. Now the state seems intent on making it even harder.

Add this to the mountain of examples of why liberals are WRONG, WRONG, WRONG when they look to Canada and European socialist countries as the shining example of what America should be.


Carrie K. Hutchens said...

This kind of interference has been one of my pet peeves for years! That is, of course, putting it quite mildly.

No court should be able to interfere like this. Furthermore... there is an irony to this madness...

In some jurisdictions, parents can be held accountable for wrongful behavior of their children. Parents (in some places) can be sent to jail or fined if their children skip school. Then there are parents having to pay for damages that result from their children's wrongful behavior.

In short, parents are often held accountable for inappropriate behavior of the children, while not being allowed to appropriately discipline them as a prevention.

So the bleeding hearts want it both ways.

One may not teach a child right from wrong and hold that child accountable for inappropriate behavior, but when those children do something inappropriate to the bleeding hearts, they want the parents held accountable for not having disciplined the child.

That makes sense, I suppose, if you are looking for a straight-jacket in your size.

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