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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Barack Uh Obama for Uh President

This video of Barack Obama talking about going to Iraq is starting to make the rounds.

I, uh, am not going to say I've, uh, never said "uh" when I talk, but, uh, Obama does, uh, say "uh" a lot here.

According to Blogs for John McCain, in four minutes he registered 55 uh's:

First answer: 10 uhs
Second answer: 27 uhs
Third answer: 16 uhs
Fourth answer: 7 uhs
Final answer: 29 uhs

In the 11 minutes with questions and answers, his total reached 144 "uh's."

Uh oh! Maybe he's just not sure of his opinion about Iraq. I'm sure it's full of change and hope, however.

Maybe Obama had better get back behind that teleprompter if he wants to be president!


Anonymous said...

I've noticed this occurs whenever Berry is without a teleprompter.

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