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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Will McCain Change GOP Platform on Abortion?

An ABC article raises the question some have that John McCain may push to change the GOP platform from a solidly pro-life platform to one "watered down" in the area of abortion with exceptions for rape and incest.

Others, however, say he won't do that.

A senior Republican close to McCain told ABC News that building a more inclusive GOP is a top priority for the Arizona senator.

But this adviser does not see changing the party platform to include exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother as necessary for achieving that vision.

The problem for McCain, however, is that he excoriated then-Gov. George W. Bush during a 2000 debate for not being willing to make this change to the platform, and Democrats are salivating at the prospect of arguing, in the words of one strategist, "that another four years of Bush begins with another four years of Bush's platform."

ABC has a video of the McCain/Bush exchange in 2000 here.

When you couple McCain's opposition to a consistent pro-life stance with his willingness to support embryonic stem cell research, which destroys human life, there's a lot to be worried about with this GOP nominee.

But when you consider the Democrat alternative (either alternative), I guess you have to play the hand you're dealt, eh?


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