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Monday, May 12, 2008

Don Kopp Running for South Dakota Dist. 35 House of Representatives

More from the mailbag.

Don Kopp is a Republican running for District 35 South Dakota House of Representatives. There are two representative seats and three Republicans running, so Republicans will have to choose in the June 3 primary between Kopp, Terry Batchelder, and incumbent Mark Kirkeby.

Here is Don's letter:

As a fellow Republican voter, you no doubt know the importance of the upcoming primary election June 3.

Though I’ll try to call you in the next few days, I wanted to formally introduce myself as a candidate for the Republican nomination to the House of Representatives in District 35.

My name is Don Kopp, and I’m a long-time Pennington County resident. I’m also a life-long Republican.

During this vital 2008 election I believe we—all Republicans—need strong conservative candidates who are willing to step forward and represent the values our country was founded upon.

My experience of working for the State of South Dakota as a forester for 29 years has given me a good understanding of how our state government works, and my commitment to our community will serve as a solid basis for my campaign and how I will approach every issue. I believe in honesty and doing the right thing. A person must listen to others and use common sense in decision making. People, not government, know how to best run their business. People, and not government, know how to best spend their hard earned money.

My ties to Pennington County run deep: Joanne and I were married 42 years ago and a few months later moved to Rapid City. We raised our three children in Rapid City schools, coached little league teams, assisted with cub scouts, and have been active -members of our local church, Open Bible Christian Center. Since my retirement from the South Dakota Division of Forestry in 1999 I started my own forestry consulting business here in Rapid City.

My roots are in South Dakota. I attended High School in a small East River town. Upon graduation from high school I entered the Navy where I stayed as an air-crewman. Shortly after being discharged I received thy pilot’s license and began flying fire surveillance for the State Division of Forestry. Over several years and a lot of schooling I began my 29 year career as a professional forester with duties in forest and fire management.

As a member of the Rocky Mountain Interagency Fire Team I had the opportunity to work with other states, assisting them with their fire management problems. At the request of the chief fire management officer for the State of Alaska I wrote a critique of their fire program which was submitted to the governor of that State. Since my retirement I have been called upon by the governor’s office to assist with the Jasper Fire, the largest forest fire in the state’s history.

I believe strongly in family values and will work diligently to protect the life of the unborn. That’s a belief I have held for my entire adult life, and one I won’t change regardless of political pressure.

I believe in the sanctity of marriage, and the traditional family unit which is being threatened in many states. As your state representative, you can count on me to stand for those values.

I strongly support the right to keep and bear arms and will support those second amendment rights. I believe citizens should be entrusted with the tools for self defense.

Last but not least is fiscal responsibility. I think excessive property taxes are hurting many in our state. You can trust me to fight to keep taxes as low as possible. Government must be made to tighten its belt, just like everyone else. And yes, I am opposed to big government.

I want to represent you in our District and discuss your needs and problems with you. That’s what a representative is supposed to do... represent the average citizen.


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