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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Obama Gets Nod From Leading Abortion Advocates

The National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League, which is known officially as "NARAL Pro-Choice America has formally endorsed Barack Hussein Obama.

In an article titled “Obama Wins Pro-Abortion Sweepstakes” OneNewsNow reports:

NARAL's political action committee board was reportedly about evenly divided among Hillary Clinton and Obama supporters, yet it voted unanimously to back the Illinois senator. Calling him "the candidate of the future," NARAL president Nancy Keenan lauds Obama's pro-abortion stand on issues the group believes are closely related to their cause: "comprehensive" sex education, women's access to abortifacients (e.g., RU-486) at pharmacies, and women's increased access to abortion clinics and the services they offer.

Hillary Clinton has enjoyed the support of NARAL for many years so we can safely assume that NARAL views Obama as even more friendly to their position than Hillary! And what is NARAL’s position? No restrictions on any abortions of any kind through the entire 40 weeks of gestation, to include the barbarous, brutal, cruel and unnecessary technique of partial birth abortion.

I wonder how many Obama supporters call themselves Christians? How do they reconcile these facts about their candidate?


Anonymous said...

No restrictions on any abortions of any kind through the entire 40 weeks of gestation, to include the barbarous, brutal, cruel and unnecessary technique of partial birth abortion.

From which part of their mission statement did you find that little tidbit? I somehow missed it when I looked through their literature or was it hidden somewhere in the recesses of your mind?

Anonymous said...

You got me, Mr. Schwartz. NARAL doesn't really call partial birth abortion cruel, brutal and unnecessary. Those are my words. I really didn't think anyone would notice.

They do, however, make it quite clear that they will acquiesce to no restrictions on abortion availability or technique. These points are made under headings of “Access to Abortions” and “Abortion Bans.” Further NARAL worked vigorously to oppose the Supreme Court ban on partial birth abortions, the details of which can be found here:,
if you have the stomach for it.

Anonymous said...

Regarding a Georgia law that sought to restrict abortions after the third trimester when the fetus is believed to be "viable," NARAL had the following comments:

"A state may not prohibit abortion prior to viability, which is that point at which a fetus is capable of 'meaningful life' outside of a woman's body. Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113, 163 (1973). Because viability is a point that varies with each pregnancy, states may not declare that it occurs at a particular gestational age. Colautti v. Franklin, 439 U.S. 379, 388-89 (1979). "

In other words, the baby is fair game for the abortionist for the full forty weeks of gestation.

Bob Ellis said...

Obama is so pro-abortion (should I say, "pro-death"?) that as an Illinois state senator he wouldn't support a bill to protect infants who survived abortions and were born alive, lest it lend credibility to the contention that unborn children are "persons."

No wonder Obama has been rated the most liberal congressman in Washington.

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