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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Quote of the Year: President Bush in Israel

It's going to be hard to top this one from President Bush before the Israeli Knesset for Quote of the Year:

Some seem to believe that we should negotiate with the terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along. We have heard this foolish delusion before. As Nazi tanks crossed into Poland in 1939, an American senator declared: "Lord, if I could only have talked to Hitler, all this might have been avoided." We have an obligation to call this what it is — the false comfort of appeasement, which has been repeatedly discredited by history.

The White House says this wasn't directed at anyone in particular (not even Jimmy Carter or Barack Obama), but those of you whom this description know who you are.


Anonymous said...

Pelosi, Biden, Durbin and all the other usual suspects have gone apoplectic over Bush's remarks in Israel. They apparently see something in the comments that escapes me. I think he makes a very valid point and all indications are that the Israelis appreciated it.

Might it be that the libs are guilty of a little projection and feel compelled to deny an allegation that wasn't even made. Apparently they know something that we don't.

Bob Ellis said...

Bush's comments really are broadly applicable, without the need to single anyone out.

Nevertheless, I think a lot of Democrats are keenly aware of when the shoe fits very well...

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