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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Bishop Advises Pro-Abortion Governor to Refrain from Communion

A Catholic archbishop has told pro-abortion Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius not to take communion until she's repented for supporting abortion.

From LifeSiteNews:

Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann has directed Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius to refrain from presenting herself for Holy Communion until she takes "the necessary steps for amendment of her life which would include a public repudiation of her previous efforts and actions in support of laws and policies sanctioning abortion."

The Archbishop made the directive public by writing about his actions in his archdiocesan newspaper The Leaven.

The archbishop says he made the directive public because Governor Sebelius has ignored his private directive before and gone ahead with communion.

This is the kind of church discipline not seen in a long time in America. Catholic leaders have been threatening this type of action for some time, and now we see it. We should be seeing more of it if people don't change

None of us is perfect, and none of us is without sin. But when someone becomes brazen and unrepentant about that sin, this is where church discipline comes in.

Someone living an open, unrepentant life of sin brings discredit on the church he/she attends, and on Christ himself.

I hope this portends more principled stands from all of America's churches.


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