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Sunday, May 11, 2008

3rd Graders Expected to Pretend Male Classmate is a Female

This is so wrong.

Not only are the parents failing to be parents here...not only are the school officials failing to be responsible adults here...they're expecting third-grade children to join them in perpetuating this male child's fantasy that he's a female.

From WorldNetDaily:

A Pennsylvania elementary school has angered parents by giving them one-day's notice of planned counseling sessions with 100 third-grade students to explain that one of their male classmates would soon begin wearing girls' clothing and taking a female name and to ask that they accept him as a girl and not make unkind remarks.

The exercise in "social transition" was initiated by the boy's parents who approached the administration at Chatham Park Elementary School in Haverford Township asking that the school help in having their child's female identity find acceptance among his peers. After consulting experts on transgender children, the Haverford School District sent letters to parents advising them the school guidance counselor would meet with their children, reported the Philadelphia Inquirer.

If any of the adults involved here had any sense of decency or responsibility they'd do anything they could to correct this child and get him solidly grounded in the reality that he is a male human being.

In a more responsible, more enlightened age, the parents and school officials would have reinforced to this child that he is a male, instead of indulging in this harmful fantasy. In a more enlightened age, what they're doing would have been considered abusive to the child.

And there wouldn't have even been a thought of expecting other school children to perpetuate this fantasy.

Our civilization is in deep trouble, folks.


Unknown said...

how christian of your. you know nothing of this story other than what worldnetdaily says. what a creditable source. they live to incite.

it is possible that other circumstances apply. but your solution. tough it up and "be a man" is why christians are hated. i can think of several possible biological factors, not just psychological ones that might be at play here. but you will have none of it. how sad for you that you wallow in such arrongance.

Bob Ellis said...

Don, what makes WorldNetDaily an uncredible source--that they don't march in lockstep the the liberal, er, "mainstream" media?

The article doesn't say anything about any sort of disorder with his sex organs, merely that he "sees himself as a girl."

This current trend of obliterating male/female sexuality, the sex roles, and sexual normality is the height of arrogance. An arrogance where humans tell the Creator they know better than He.

Unknown said...

exactly they didn't say anything. what makes you think that if the liberal media doesn't report all the facts, that worldnetdaily does? i've read their stuff, and i think it represents a point of view, not unbiased journalism.

in biology sexuality is a broad stream of reproductive strategies. forget darwin just look at the different ways species reproduce. even in the human species sexuality has many different aspects. not every single person is clearly male or female. physically this is clearly demonstrated. there are millions of biological variation on the reproductive organs. what is to say that there are not internal markers also.

moreover this is not even about god this is about individuals making a judgement about what everone should be. you, not g based on what you think.

Bob Ellis said...

The Philadelphia Inquirer doesn't say anything about a biological abnormality, either (

What percentage of people would not be "clearly male or female" and what would constitute not being "clearly male or female?"

The guidance counselor said the boy "looked like a boy on the outside but felt like a girl inside, according to a summary of her remarks prepared by the school for parents."

Everything here indicates this is simply a boy who is confused for some reason, and instead of his parents correcting him, they're playing along with him. And now the school officials are playing along with him. And they expect all the school children to play along with him.

It would be so much healthier for the child if grownups would simply be grownups, correct the child and teach the child what is right.

Remember the story of the Emperor's New Clothes? There are sad parallels here.

Anonymous said...

You are right, Bob. The world is in sad shape and many in America are at the vanguard of stupidity. I don't know anything more about Don than his comments, but he seems to be among that group. Children have all sorts of fantasies, some benign and some of greater consequence. I imagined myself to be a Roman Centurion at that age, but when I wore my toy helmet and sword to school one day my mother was called, I was sent home and after that my fantasies were limited to evenings and weekends.

To subject this child to the certain ridicule and confusion of dressing him as a girl is, indeed, child abuse. Are there no grown-ups in this child's life to protect him?

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