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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Censoring the Mail for Hate Crimes?

For those who don't believe hate crime laws in the United States are going to have a devastating effect on the First Amendment, you need to wake up and smell the coffee.

I've been cataloging incidents in Canada and England where hate crime legislation is being used to silence speech, quash religious freedom, and prosecute individuals and groups that engage in speech that isn't politically approved. We're even starting to see some of it here in the United States already.

And the examples of the kind of censorship homosexuals and others will go to just keeps getting more and more shocking.

Now, according to LifeSiteNews and Canada Free Press, a group called EGALE (Equality for Gays and Lesbians Everywhere) in Canada is calling for the Canadian postal system to censor the mail for "hate mail" (read: anything critical of homosexual behavior).

The letter, from current executive director of Egale Canada, Helen Kennedy, asked for a meeting with Canada Post to discuss the use of the mail by record companies and bookstores to distribute music that EGALE says may promote hatred based on a person's sexual orientation.

Interestingly, Gilles Marchildon, the former executive director of the group, says EGALE has gone too far.

This group has already attacked LifeSiteNews before, trying to get the website shut down. And Focus on the Family is already barred from broadcasting any radio shows critical of homosexual behavior on Canadian radio stations.

Homosexual activists know that morality, science, health research and even nature itself illustrates a reality contrary to their goals. So they are resorting to the sympathy of liberal government entities to clear the way for what cannot otherwise be justified.


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