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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

South Dakota College Disinvites Pro-Abortion Legislator

LifeSiteNews and others are reporting that Presentation College in Aberdeen had invited South Dakota District 5 Senator Nancy Turbak Berry to give the commencement address, but rescinded her invitation at the last minute.

However, Bishop Paul Swain of the Sioux Falls Catholic Diocese wound up delivering the remarks to the graduating class of 171 students after Presentation officials notified Turbak Berry earlier in the week she would no longer do so.

According to an AP report, college officials told her that her pro-abortion views were incompatible with Catholic Church teachings.

This and other reports such as one at KFSY say she received the invitation to speak in January.

The KFSY report also says
"There is no comment on that. I will say that the decision to ask a graduation speaker to come is not made lightly, nor is, unfortunately, is that invitation when we withdraw that made lightly either," said JoEllen Lindner, Presentation College VP Of Enrollment.

Senator Turbak Berry says she believes the decision to not allow her to speak came from some citizens pressuring Bishop Paul Swain.

Students have also expressed their feelings.

It's very unfortunate that an invitation was extended to Turbak Berry and then withdrawn. That's embarrassing for both Turbak Berry and for the school. Someone really failed to do their homework when they invited a pro-abortion state senator to speak at a Catholic college.

However, since the Bible and the Catholic church clearly teach that the taking of innocent human life in the womb is wrong, it would not have been appropriate to have someone in favor of taking life speak at the commencement address.

Hopefully Presentation and other Christian colleges will look more closely at a prospective speaker's background before extending an invitation next time.


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