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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Video: Obama Would Have Quit Church Had He Known

From, video from Fox News of Barack Obama talking about his pastor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright and his church

Barack Obama: "If I had thought that was the tenor or tone on an ongoing basis of his sermons, then yes, I don't think it would've been reflective of my values or my faith experience...If I had heard them repeated, I would've quit."

I appreciate Obama's statement of repudiation of Rev. Wright's racist, America-hating values, but I find it hard to believe that Obama could have been a regular member of this church without being aware of such sentiments from his pastor.

Also, the anti-American values of Wright, while more extreme, are nevertheless in the same general direction of the sentiments of Michelle Obama, Barack's wife, who recently said

What we've learned over this year is that hope is making a comeback. It is making a comeback, and let me tell you something, for the first time in my adult lifetime, I'm really proud of my country, and not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change.

Michelle Obama is about three years older than I am, and I cannot even begin to count the times I've been "really proud" of my country. Despite it's faults, on a daily basis, I am really proud of my country.

On a related issue, MSNBC reports Wright has left the Obama campaign, though it is not clear whether he volunteered to leave, or was asked to leave.


TheUrbanRevolution said...

You've missed the point. The implication is that this was not a tenor that was brought up often enough to be a problem. Not that he didn't know. How come the media has only come up with 2 sermons out of 2000+ sermons -- that's less than 1% of 1% of the time. And Michelle Obama's statements are not anti-american. Since when did we become a nation where to criticize means anti? I criticize my son does that mean i hate him?!? And what about all of the dooms day tele-evangelists that say America's doomed for allowing gays and abortions - are they anti american too?!?

Bob Ellis said...

Your point about the representative sample of Rev. Wright's sermons has some validity, UrbanRevolution. However, when you couple them with some of the material on the church's website, I think it's pretty safe to assume this wasn't an isolated incident.

As for the criticism, I criticize the moral state of America all the time. But I never make hateful "God damn America!" and "I've never been really proud of my country" statements like these.

And I probably make just as many statements that laud the great virtues of this country. Somehow you never seem to hear that sort of thing from the Left.

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