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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Planned Parenthood Promotes the Benefits of Pornography

You may recall from previous reports I've done on Planned Parenthood's teen website called that this website goes a long way in encouraging sexuality, advanced sexuality, in our children.

While I may be some prudish Right winger, a porn star has weighed in and according to CNS News, he affirms that teenwire is an "excellent source" for children to learn about the "benefits" of pornography:

David Mech, or David Pounder as he's known in pornography circles, said that Planned Parenthood's Web site for teens,, is an excellent source for young people to learn about what he considers the benefits of viewing pornography. Mech contacted Cybercast News Service after reading its report about Teenwire.

"Planned Parenthood is an excellent organization that helps people by focusing on how people actually are behaving (i.e., having sex, watching porn, doing drugs, etc.), as opposed to helping people based on how they should be behaving (abstaining from sex, watching the news, eating healthy, etc.)," Mech, a pornography producer and actor, told Cybercast News Service.

The South Dakota state library website had a link to this website a few years ago, until it was brought to the governor's attention. The removal of that link from the state website was fought by a number of people, including Eric Abrahamson, who ran for Lieutenant Governor of South Dakota on the Democrat ticket in 2006. Abrahamson is currently on the board of the Rapid City Library Foundation and is a board member of the Rapid City School District.

Read the rest of the CNS News article for more insights from this porn insider. It's very insightful.

Should our children be viewing

Should we the parents be supporting Planned Parenthood with our tax dollars?


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